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Things to Explore at the Library

There’s more to the library than just reading. We offer classes, events, internet, movies, and so much more. Here’s a list to get you started!


  1. Take a look at our Event Calendar to find a program that interests you
  2. Visit our Ellisville branch
  3. Research your family genealogy
  4. Take a picture with our mural located outside our Laurel branch
  5. Check out a specialty cake pan in our Library of Things
  6. Find our Lego Club display and look at the masterpieces our community built
  7. Check out a Chromebook from either LJCL location (Must be over 18 and a resident of Jones County)
  8. Visit the Friends of the Laurel Jones County Library’s System’s book sale
  9. Come play BINGO on the last Friday night of every month and win cool prizes
  10. Leave some seeds you harvested from your garden (and maybe take some seeds someone else harvested) in our Seed Library
  11. Learn something new using Magnolia Databases (call us at (601)-428-4313 for our password)
  12. Play with the Marble Run game from the Makerspace and STEM shelf
  13. Take a picture in Mark Kelly and Ben Napier’s custom storytime chair featured on Discovery+
  14. Take your kids to one of our weekly children’s programs: Baby & Me & Storytime
  15. Check Out a Librarian to learn a new skill
  16. Sign up with Kroger Community Rewards using the code NQ470 to support the friends of the Jones County Library System
  17. Check out our Backpack Kits in our Library of Things collection
  18. Use the NoveList database on Magnolia to pick your next read
  19. Check out knitting needles and a learn-to-knit book
  20. Explore new recipes with the The 641 Cookbook Club
  21. Read a digital comic book on Hoopla
  22. Check out our Switch controllers and play a few rounds of Super Smash Bros Ultimate in Laurel’s Teen Area to practice for our seasonal tournament
  23. Take a book and leave a book on our swap shelf
  24. Take a picture with our rainforest mural located in the children’s section of the Laurel library
  25. Help out the community by donating to our Little Free Pantry at our Ellisville Branch
  26. Work on our community puzzle in the Reading Area at the Laurel branch
  27. Find the Nine-Pointed Star Medallion
  28. Check our Facebook or our website (click news up top!) for our monthly newsletter
  29. Look at what our display to find a new book
  30. Explore Laurel’s Rainforest Children’s Area and sit on Sid the Snake
  31. Play with Lego in the Makerspace
  32. Request a book we don’t have through Interlibrary Loan
  33. Charge your device at any tall table
  34. Download Hoopla (on  the Apple App Store, GooglePlay, or Amazon AppStore) and enjoy e-books, e-audio book, music, and more with your library card
  35. Paint a rock to go in our Ellisville Library Rock Garden
  36. Take a break from all the noise in our sensory room
  37. Print documents from your cellphone by e-mailing them to us or using our print service.
  38. Use one of our public access computers or bring your laptop and enjoy our free Wi-Fi
  39. Join our Friends of the Library and checkout 15 items instead of 10
  40. Print, Scan or Fax at either LJCL branch
  41. Check out a whole season of a TV show on DVD
  42. Join one of our book clubs: Book Worms Book Club, Books & Brew Book Club, or Book Talk.
  43. Visit our Resources page for lists of official websites for everything from the White House to local school districts
  44. Explore our catalog
  45. Return those books you forgot you had on Fine Free Thursday to get some of your fines waived
  46. Download a free copy of the MS Drivers Handbook and practice the driving test on Driving Tests
  47. Get Reader’s Advisory from one of the librarians
  48. Snag a copy of this month’s Book Page for book recommendations
  49. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube


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