There’s more to the library than just reading. We offer classes, events, internet, movies, and so much more. Here’s a list to get you started!
- Take a look at our Event Calendar to find a program that interests you
- Visit our Ellisville branch
- Research your family genealogy
- Take a picture with our mural located outside our Laurel branch
- Check out a specialty cake pan in our Library of Things
- Find our Lego Club display and look at the masterpieces our community built
- Check out a Chromebook from either LJCL location (Must be over 18 and a resident of Jones County)
- Visit the Friends of the Laurel Jones County Library’s System’s book sale
- Come play BINGO on the last Friday night of every month and win cool prizes
- Leave some seeds you harvested from your garden (and maybe take some seeds someone else harvested) in our Seed Library
- Learn something new using Magnolia Databases (call us at (601)-428-4313 for our password)
- Play with the Marble Run game from the Makerspace and STEM shelf
- Take a picture in Mark Kelly and Ben Napier’s custom storytime chair featured on Discovery+
- Take your kids to one of our weekly children’s programs: Baby & Me & Storytime
- Check Out a Librarian to learn a new skill
- Sign up with Kroger Community Rewards using the code NQ470 to support the friends of the Jones County Library System
- Check out our Backpack Kits in our Library of Things collection
- Use the NoveList database on Magnolia to pick your next read
- Check out knitting needles and a learn-to-knit book
- Explore new recipes with the The 641 Cookbook Club
- Read a digital comic book on Hoopla
- Check out our Switch controllers and play a few rounds of Super Smash Bros Ultimate in Laurel’s Teen Area to practice for our seasonal tournament
- Take a book and leave a book on our swap shelf
- Take a picture with our rainforest mural located in the children’s section of the Laurel library
- Help out the community by donating to our Little Free Pantry at our Ellisville Branch
- Work on our community puzzle in the Reading Area at the Laurel branch
- Find the Nine-Pointed Star Medallion
- Check our Facebook or our website (click news up top!) for our monthly newsletter
- Look at what our display to find a new book
- Explore Laurel’s Rainforest Children’s Area and sit on Sid the Snake
- Play with Lego in the Makerspace
- Request a book we don’t have through Interlibrary Loan
- Charge your device at any tall table
- Download Hoopla (on the Apple App Store, GooglePlay, or Amazon AppStore) and enjoy e-books, e-audio book, music, and more with your library card
- Paint a rock to go in our Ellisville Library Rock Garden
- Take a break from all the noise in our sensory room
- Print documents from your cellphone by e-mailing them to us or using our print service.
- Use one of our public access computers or bring your laptop and enjoy our free Wi-Fi
- Join our Friends of the Library and checkout 15 items instead of 10
- Print, Scan or Fax at either LJCL branch
- Check out a whole season of a TV show on DVD
- Join one of our book clubs: Book Worms Book Club, Books & Brew Book Club, or Book Talk.
- Visit our Resources page for lists of official websites for everything from the White House to local school districts
- Explore our catalog
- Return those books you forgot you had on Fine Free Thursday to get some of your fines waived
- Download a free copy of the MS Drivers Handbook and practice the driving test on Driving Tests
- Get Reader’s Advisory from one of the librarians
- Snag a copy of this month’s Book Page for book recommendations
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube
What can you discover?