The Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits is a collection of non-traditional library items that complement the LJCLS mission to ignite curiosity, facilitate lifelong learning, and connect our community. Patrons who borrow a Thing or Kit agree to abide by the LJCLS Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits guidelines below.
Types of Materials Included in Collection:
The purpose of the Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits is to provide diverse opportunities for learning and engagement. To further this goal, the Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits may include:
The Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits are not intended to be comprehensive, and the library is limited by a finite amount of storage space for these items. For a full list of items available, visit our website at
The library staff will select materials for the Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits based on the needs and interests of library patrons. The library welcomes input from the community concerning the collection. A suggestion for purchase procedure enables users to request that a particular item or subject be purchased by the library. All suggestions for purchase are evaluated using the same selection criteria as for other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. A Suggest a Thing for Purchase form is available at the Circulation desk in each location.
Due to limited storage space and the staff time necessary to evaluate, test, and maintain each Thing or Kit, the library can accept only a limited number of donations. The library does not accept materials that are not outright gifts and cannot guarantee the permanence of a gift in the collection. Materials donated to the library are received with the understanding that they are subject to the same selection, evaluation, and disposal criteria as material acquired for purchase. To suggest a donation, please email a description of the Thing or Kit and your contact information using the Ask a Librarian section of the LJCLS website.
Not all library materials may be suitable for all members of the community. Responsibility for a child’s use of library materials, regardless of format or content, lies with the parent or guardian, not the library.
Due to the nature of the items contained in the Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kits, these items will not be shared via delivery with the other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan Service. All library patrons are required to check out and return Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kit items to the Main Desk at either LJCLS location.
Evaluation of Collections
The library will use circulation data and community suggestions to guide future selections for the Library of Things and Children’s Learning Kit collection. Items that are not popular and do not circulate will be withdrawn from library collections according to the Collection Maintenance portion of the Collection Development Policy.
Library’s Use of Things and Children’s Learning Kits
The library reserves the right to temporarily take a Thing or Kit out of circulation to use for library purposes [workshops, demonstrations, or other programs] or repair a damaged item.
Proper Use and Liability
The borrower is solely responsible for the Thing or Kit and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of Things or Kits and any peripherals due to neglect or abuse. LJCLS is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage from using a Thing or Kit. Borrowers assume all liability and responsibility when borrowing and using a Thing or Kit. Instruction manuals are available either within the Thing or Kit box or will have a QR code or internet link that will take the borrower to the instruction manual(s) provided by the maker of the Thing or items within the Kit.
Click here to see a list of items currently available in the Library of Things.