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Seasonal SSBU Tournament

Test your skills at the library’s seasonal Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournament! The last player standing will win a prize!

Open for ages 10-17.


  • Registration is from 8 am-11 am on the day of the tournament.
    • Players must be present to register.
    • No new players will be permitted after registration.
  • Tournament starts at 11 am. Tournament ends when a winner is determined. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours depending on amount of registered players.
    • Any player who leaves before or during the tournament will automatically forfeit.
  • All players will fight 1-on-1 on the library’s Nintendo Switch using the library’s controllers.
    • Please do not bring your personal Nintendo Switch or controllers.
  • In the event of an odd number of players, some players will need to fight a non-player character to advance.
  • Players must use the same character (chosen during registration) throughout the entire tournament.
    • Please note that player characters will be limited to who is unlocked on the library’s Nintendo Switch prior to the tournament.
      • A list will be available at registration.
    • Color palette swaps are only available if multiple players choose the same character.
      • The event coordinator will randomly choose these color palette swaps.

For more information, please e-mail Kari Hutto at

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