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Library Fundraiser Goal $100k


The Library has been fortunate to receive a 1998 Chance Trolley, a unique mobile book and technology system that allows us to reach residents throughout our county service area, particularly the most under-served. However, this fantastic opportunity comes with a challenge- the need to cover costs of repairs and outfitting the trolley. We are committed to not compromising the budget of our existing services, and this is where we need your help!

Your donations of funds, services, and volunteer time will greatly impact our entire community. We can only bring much-needed services and resources to Jones County through our community partners. Can we count on your support for this new and exciting chapter in our Library? All partners will receive acknowledgment on all the Library’s social media, promotional ads, and other marketing items. we would also love to schedule a visit to your business or organization with LOTTIE after all repairs are finished and it is stocked with resources. With your help, we can bring technology, Library and other non-profit services directly to our most under-served residents.

We want to thank you for your generosity to our Library and community. With your help, we are raising a generation of readers and bringing resources to all citizens of Jones County. Thank you!


At this time, the trolley can be found in Soso at First Baptist Church (271 Frosty Hinton Rd) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month and in Sandersville at Main St. & Hwy 11 on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. Check our social media for when it will make special trips!

  • Brandon Petroleum
  • Community Bank
  • DJ Transit, Inc.
  • Laurel Machine and Foundry
  • Laurel Main Street
  • Laurel Mercantile Company
  • Jerry and Lois Smith
  • West Quality Food Services, Inc.