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You can support us by…


Support the library by making a donation. There are several ways you can donate:

  1. To make a monetary donation, mail a note and check to the library. Please make checks payable to Laurel-Jones County Library. The mailing address is Laurel-Jones County Library System, 530 Commerce Street, Laurel, MS 39440.
  2. To donate books or other items, please visit our Donations of Books and Other Materials page.


Remember a loved one with an Honorarium or Memorial donation. For more information, please contact us at (601) 428-4313 for the Laurel branch or (601) 477-9271 for the Ellisville branch.

Join the Friends

The Friends of the Laurel-Jones County Library System is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to the libraries in the Laurel-Jones County Library System.

The Friends support the library and its activities by furnishing volunteers, materials, and equipment.

The Friends also provide the library with some extra financial support. The Friends’ support allows the library to provide many activities and to purchase additional books and other needed materials.


To volunteer at the library, please contact  Karyn Walsh, Director.