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Computer Services


  • Public Access Computers are available at Ellisville Public Library and Laurel-Jones County Library to provide library cardholders with internet access, word processing, and other computer resources. Library cardholders may use computers as long as their account is in good standing. Children (under 18) who wish to use Public Access Computers must bring the parent or legal guardian who initially set up their library card account to sign the Computer/Internet Use Agreement form and must be directly supervised by a parent if under the age of 14.
  • Computers are available whenever the library is open. Patrons may use the computers for up to 2 hours a day. Please note computers shut down 30 minutes before the library closes.
  • Visitor’s Passes will be issued to out-of-county visitors who wish to use our Public Access Computers. Visitors under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian complete the Computer/Internet Use Agreement form. A parent or legal guardian must directly supervise visitors under the age of 14. Visitors also may apply for a non-resident library card.


WiFi is available to all library patrons. To connect to the library’s WiFi, patrons may request the password at the circulation desk.